I’ve picked up a new habit of watching The Martha Stewart Show and Mad Hungry on weekday mornings when I can. Martha because she makes ridiculous stuff like coffee cream pie and ice cream cake with Jimmy Fallons’ Late Night Snack ice cream, and, well, she’s Martha. Mad Hungry is creeping up into being one of my favorite cooking shows. The host, Lucinda Scala Quinn, has no pretense and her cooking and meals are accessible.
So this, my first foray into veggie burgers, is an LSQ recipe. Chock full of vegetables, they definitely taste healthy. But now that I give more thought to how I could improve or augment the flavor, I realize that these veggie burgers are the perfect candidate for topping with a fried egg. I am a true believer that almost anything can be improved with the addition of an egg. If that’s not your thing, or even if it is, make sure to check out LSQ’s chili mayonnaise recipe as another topping for these burgers.